
God's unconditional love for a sinful world

The rupture of the relationship with God because of sin

It was necessary to restore the broken relationship with the Creator and Heavenly Father. This was only possible through the shedding of the blood of a lamb without blemish, sacrificed for God.

God's Plan for a fallen world far from its Creator

God had a Plan. His desire to restore His relationship with mankind was so strong, that out of love for the world, He sent His own Son, Yeshua, incarnated in an earthly being, and being God, gave His life to redeem us from sin.

Jesus, is alive! He rose up on the third day!

Yeshua went to the tree (in ancient times, the Roman Empire sacrificed the worst evildoers on that “cross”). He was humiliated to the lowest point, but without sin. Being God, he became man: One hundred percent God, one hundred percent man. And on the third day, on the Day of the Feast of First Fruits: “The Firstborn among many...” He rose again...!

Yeshua, the First Fruits

The resurrection of Yeshua, the Messiah (John 12:24; 1 Corinthians 15:16-20). Yeshua celebrated the Feast of First Fruits by offering himself as the First Fruits to all future generations (Matthew 27:52-53).
In fact, Yeshua is called the First Fruit of those who are to rise from the dead.

Yeshua, HaMassiah: the Savior and Lord!

Yeshua, HaMassiah, fulfilled each and every Prophecy given by Hashem through the mouth of His prophets. The vast majority did not believe in Him or rejected Him... However, God continued to give the opportunity to believe in His Son, through the work done by those who were Jesus' disciples, speaking about the wonders they saw Him perform, and most importantly, that He was the Messiah of Israel, who was to come...